Wednesday, 6 December 2006

Starting Blogging

As this is my first blog I thought I would say something about how I got involved. My main interest is in Pottery, which I have been involved in for some 30 years. Several weeks age I called into a local art gallery and while there I was given a magazine for the area. The magazine contained an article on writing Ebooks as a way of making money on the internet . As part of the E- business there was a suggestion to use Blogs. Last week I borrowed the book “Blogging for Dummies” by Brad Hill from our local library. I have found this book informative and entertaining . Computers are highly useful and maddening at the same time. Having discovered blogging and how interesting it is I am looking forward to more exploring.
It’s possible to work with computers for many years and yet not use all their potential. My first computer was an Amstrad running DOS 3.1 but I like my Pentium 4 running Windows XP, you have to live in the present.
Ian Minchin

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